Powder Coating vs Liquid Coating
Every time any of us are having work done, some of us feel a little uneasy that it just might not turn out the way we would like it.
So if you would like to take a product or part to be painted I would understand why you might feel anxious. When looking at the debate of Powder Coating vs Liquid Coating, Powder coating might just give you a sense of security that any other finishing method might not. Powder coatings are supplied ready for use without any pre-mixing, stirring, solvent additions, or viscosity adjustments. This means better control over the end result, whereas liquid paint definitely requires extra additions and stirring.
Take a look at our Services pages for more information on Powder Coatings and Liquid Coatings.
Liquid Coatings
Liquid coatings have a higher chance of having problems like pigment setting or poor atomization due to high viscosity. Also, liquid coatings can have sagging due to over reduction with solvent. Of course no matter where you get your work done, the company has to make sure the process comes out right, to your level of perfection. If not, it must be redone, but sometimes you may not have the time to wait so a powder coat would definitely make more sense for you.
Powder Coatings
Another great thing about using a powder coat is that you only really need one round of coating. One round of coating accomplishes the optimum film thickness without encountering drips, sags, or runs. Powders can be formulated to provide various melt viscosities and can be applied over a wide range of film thickness. This process can then provide better edge coverage protection than that of a single liquid coating. Films on powder coats have extra hardness, greater chemical resistance, improved exterior gloss retention, and superior flexibility.
Powder has gotten a good reputation for delivering high film builds and good edge coverage to deliver good corrosion resistance. The quality of powder coating is definitely something to look out for. It is something I’ve learned to have confidence in and maybe you can too.
In the discussion and decision of Powder Coating vs Liquid Coating, use the information in this post and contact our team of experts here at S&B Finishing to help make the best choices for your products.